New Employee API available now
We are thrilled to announce a built from the ground up brand new employee API to enhance your ability to integrate with Deputy and provide seamless connectivity for your applications. We've designed this API to be more secure, and more efficient to give you a smooth developer experience every step of the way when building an integration to Deputy.
What's new?
Dramatic reduction in API requests required
On average with the old employee API it would take twelve individual requests before an employee was ready to use in Deputy (ie. ready to be scheduled, paid etc). We've cut this down in most cases to a single request by adding new options to the API such as having the option to add multiple workplace links to an employee in the initial request, stress profiles, employment agreements etc.
Bulk importing
The API now supports the ability to bulk import multiple employees in a single request. So not only do you have fewer requests per employee, but you can also bulk your requests to gain even more efficiency.
Field masking
One of the big concerns when dealing with employee data is data considered personally identifiable information. Often when holding data like that you have other compliance requirements to consider. To assist with this we've implemented field masking into the API. This allows you to define the exact data fields you want in a response to ensure you don't receive any data you don't want or need in your application.
Easier employee updates
Along with field masking, we allow you to define which fields to specifically target when updating employees. It might be that you have a minimum payload that contains four or five elements, however with our new update, you can specifically tell the system which field has changed, to ensure other elements remain untouched.
How can I get it?
The employee v2 API is now available on request and will be rolling out to all Deputy installations soon. If you are a developer of a product that already integrates with Deputy, or are building one you can apply to get this enabled on your developer instances here. We've published public documentation around the new API as well which you can view by clicking the See the Docs button below
We'd love to hear from you about your experiences with the new Deputy employee API. Feel free to email us at