Customise how you refer to your team 🤙
What's new ✨
To better reflect the diverse nature of the Deputy community and those who use our product each day, we’ve changed the default for term for “employee” in Deputy to “team member”. For existing customers we also have the ability for each business to customise this term, so your Deputy account can accurately reflect how you refer to and speak with your team each day. This change will be effective across our web, mobile apps and be visible for all members of your team who use Deputy.
Why 🌟
Deputy’s vision is to create thriving workplaces in every community. This change is about recognising the traditional employee-manager relationship is evolving over time, and may not exist in every business. It's also about reinforcing that a thriving business is built on mutual respect and collaboration between all members of a team, regardless of their role.
How to use it 🤓
All new customers will have the updated "team member" term applied to their account by default. For existing customers or those that would like to update the term to fit their business, we have a setting under Custom Terms in your Business Settings.
Click here to read more about how to use it
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