3 years ago
Business Insights recent updates
What's new
We keep improving the Business Insights to empower your data driven scheduling experiences even better. So here are what have been updated recently:
- All location read-only Business Insights - managers are able to view your whole business metrics by selecting "All Location" in the location dropdown. This will help you to understand how my business performed by comparing budget vs. scheduled vs. actual to keep improving your scheduling in the future.
- Salary cost are now included into the total of actual cost within Business Insights. The salary cost will be calculated based on your salary distribution settings by either "Scheduled Days", "Scheduled Hours" or "Days of the Week", more details can be found here.
- Leave cost are also now included into the total of actual/scheduled cost within Business Insights. Any future leave cost will be included into Scheduled cost and any past approved leave cost will be included into actual cost.
- Labor percentage calculation has been adjusted by involving Salary cost and Leave cost.
- Bug fixes and other improvements
- Based on the feedback from our customers, we understand "All location" mode of Business Insights is quite helpful and critical for managers to check the whole business performance.
- Without salary cost and leave cost, the data shown in BI won't be accurate and we hope by adding both in can help you make better data driven decision for your future scheduling.
How to use it
It's available in Scheduling Model of Deputy WebApp, Follow our help guide for more details on how to configure and rely on Business insights to manage data driven scheduling.
We are keen to hear your feedback, so if you have any questions regarding Business Insights or want to tell us what needs to be improved, simply submit your thoughts via Schedule --> Stats --> Give feedback, or book a 30 mins meeting with us.