4 years ago
Leave Management Updates - Amend approved leave request & much more!
What's new
The below updates are available on Web-app only.
- Amend or cancel upcoming, approved leave request - Employees can now cancel or change their upcoming, already approved leave request. Introduced a new setting that controls this permission with Business Settings > Leave > Allow Employees to amend or cancel their approved leave request.
- View leave balance while approving the leave request - While approving a leave request, the manager can now view how the request will impact the leave balance of their employees. This also dynamically updates as changes are made during the approval process.
- View Approving Manager - Approving manager for the leave request is now displayed on the leave request.
- View who else is on leave - While approving a leave request, managers can now view who else is on leave during the period requested by the employee.
- View ‘Future Balance’ - Both employees & managers can now view the future balance of their entitled leave. Previously Deputy only displayed the ‘Leave balance’ & ‘Upcoming leave’, leaving the calculation to be done by the employee/manager.
- Leave Requests Widget on Dashboard - We have introduced a new ‘Leave Requests for me’ widget which displays only the pending leave requests that have you as the approving manager.
- Improved look & feel - We have improved the user experience of the leave approval process for a manager, items such as bulk selecting leave types and days should be quicker & more intuitive!
Leave management in a business can be prickly. We understand that ensuring you have all the relevant information to make a decision on your staff’s leave while operating a business with appropriate coverage can be very difficult. We have decided to surface the details that will assist both employees and managers to handle the leave process a little more seamlessly.
How to use it
Click here to read more about how to use it
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